Recommended Reading

Compassion For Humanity In The Jewish Tradition by David Sears. 
The Universal Jew by Yosef ben Shlomo Hakohen 
Be'er HaGolah by the Maharal from Prague 
Judaism on Trial : Jewish-Christian Disputations in the Middle Ages by Hyam Maccoby 
Everyman's Talmud by Abraham Cohen 
The Right and the Good: Halakhah and Human Relations by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman
Anvil of Sinai by Rabbi Zechariah Fendel 
Legacy of Sinai by Rabbi Zechariah Fendel 
Seasons of Torah by Rabbi Zechariah Fendel 
The Handbook of Jewish Thought Volume 1 by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan 
The Handbook of Jewish Thought Volume 2 by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan 
The Main Institutions of Jewish Law by Rabbi Dr. Isaac Herzog



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